Sunday, January 5, 2014

YouTube Special: Washing Marley Twists

Why is it that as soon as you get a protective style, your scalp starts to itch in the worst way!?  Luckily, it's my wash week so I went ahead and washed my scalp using an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.  I filled a spray bottle with 75% Apple Cider Vinegar, 25% water, and 10 drops of essential spearmint oil.  Talk about instant scalp relief! When I washed my hair, I mixed about 90% Aveeno Pure Renewal conditioner with 10% ORS Olive Oil Creamy Aloe shampoo to act as a 2 in 1 Cleansing Conditioner.  This way, I minimized manipulation.  I used Oyin g\Greg Juice leave in conditioner and my homemade shea butter mix to seal. Check out my YT vid below to see how it all went down.

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