Saturday, April 6, 2013

Top 4 Signs You May Be a Product Junkie

This is all I need minus my spray bottle and shea butter.

1. You always jump at the opportunity to buy products on sale, even when you don't need them.

How many times have you been fooled by "buy one, get one" or "free with a purchase of..."  If you find yourself running to Target or Walgreens whenever Shea Moisture is on sale (which happens quite often) you may be a product junkie.  It's not unusual to wait for something to go on sale to buy it, or taking advantage of the sale because you've run out.  However, buying products just because of the sale is pushing it.  Do you realize that by stocking up on products you don't really need during sale time isn't a sale at all?

2.  Your stash of products looks like an aisle of a beauty supply store.

Now this is a true sign of a product junkie.  If you have so many products at your house that you don't even remember what you have, you may be a PJ.  Now that you've gotten all your items for sale and experimented with products you've heard about through the grapevine what are you going to do with them?  You can only use one product at a time.  The picture above is of all the products I use.  They take care of my entire regimen.  There's only 13 products there including all my oils (minus 2 things so its really 15).  I challenge you to keep your stash to 15 products or less (this is actually a pretty big stash).  Can you do it?

3.  You are subscribed to a natural hair subscription service.

When you are first starting out in the natural world, subscribing to things like CurlBox and CurlKit can be very helpful in finding products to use.  But if you are a vet when it comes to knowing what products work for your hair, and you still waste $20 per month on these subscriptions, you may have a problem.  Let's think about it...These subscriptions come every month, so that's about $240/year alone in hair products (not counting the money you'll probably spent on products aside from the subscription).  You can unsubscribe whenever you want, but the the anticipation of what's to come in the next order keeps you hanging on.  So then you get your order in the mail, but do you go through all those products before the month is up? No, you get the next order, and then those products sit around you house with last month's products, and so on.  The cycle never ends.

4.  You are always in search of the "perfect" product.

It's good to do research to try and find the right product for you, but at some point you need to reach satisfaction.  For starters, perfect does not exist in this imperfect world, so you already need to lower your standards.  If you find something that is good, be content with it.  Going into PJ mode to find something great will lead you down a rode of wasted money.

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